Returning to anything we have left behind after an injury or extended time away presents new challenges to the healing or deconditioned tissues.
Drs. Norris and Fry created a return to play schedule that we’ve adapted for musicians, establishing a healthy work to rest ratio in returning to their instrument.
Shorter workloads to longer rests initially will allow a progression to a healthy, longer workload with shorter recovery times. Select a timeline that can be established without increasing your pain level, or don’t go beyond a fatigue level of 5 out of 10, so as not to cause pain and incoordination.
Truly rest the muscles and tendons used to play, while keeping your mind in the music in a different way.
An Approach To Explore
As a warm up before playing, try to use heat, some light massage on sore areas, and light exercises. Begin with slow and easy passages, or pieces. Gradually progress to faster, more difficult pieces. In general, perform a maximum of 50 minutes with a minimum of 10 minutes rest.
If pain occurs at any level, drop back to the level of comfort until you can progress without pain. Manage your symptoms after playing, as discussed with your provider: rice, rest, stretch, hydrate.

[You can download this matrix in our Library.]