About our Therapists
Our therapists are licensed and have many hours of training in listening to you whine while they try and fix your hands.

Martha Paterson
Martha began practicing as an Occupational Therapist in 1987. She immediately focused her attention on the medical problems of performing PLACEHOLDER artists and received a certification in Hand Therapy in 1994. Specializations in Office Ergonomics and Meningeal Care have also followed over the past twenty years in order to assist the patient in finding their path to healing injuries and regaining functional use of their hands.

Ananya Rudra
Ananya received her Masters of Arts degree in Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California in 2017, after PLACEHOLDER finishing her undergraduate studies at USC in 2015. She has been practicing in upper extremity physical rehabilitation outpatient therapy in addition to her hadnd therapy work hsmore worlds to pad out the even height of both columns. nah nah nah