Feeling aches, fatigue, pain, and you don’t know if you should apply heat or ice? Try a contrast bath. A contrast bath is a form of therapy that alternates between hot and cold water.
The benefit is to cause constriction and relaxation from the temperature changes to pump out swelling and bring blood flow in. A contrast bath can be used before or after activity or exercise. Try a few of them to see how you respond to different symptoms and feel the effect they have. Reducing inflammation and restoring blood supply are essential in the initial stages of healing.
Fill two bins or two sinks. One with hot water ~98˚F and one with cold water ~59˚F. Soak in hot water for one minute, then cold water for one minute. Alternate back and forth at one-minute intervals for 10 minutes. You can even add 1/8 cup Epsom salt to the hot water to help decrease pain and swelling.
[You can download these instructions in our Library.]